“Our innovative approach to legal service considers all available options and the best solution from a legal, as well as a business, standpoint.”
Miami-based Business and Trademark Attorney Serena Minott offers counseling to corporations, artists, entrepreneurs and small business owners in the areas of business law and intellectual property law, including trademarks, copyrights and trade dress protection.
Attorney Minott’s business law practice is focused on profit and non-profit corporate formation, corporate regulatory compliance on the municipal, state and federal levels, preparing corporate governance agreements, negotiating and preparing asset purchase and sale agreements, bid contracts, teaming agreements, independent contractor agreements, confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements, and other transactional business matters.
In the area of trademark law, Attorney Minott counsels and represents clients in trademark clearance searching, federal and international trademark registration, trademark registration for the Amazon Brand Registry, trade dress protection, trademark Petitions to Cancel, trademark maintenance and enforcement, Cease and Desist letters, and negotiating and preparing various intellectual property agreements, including consent agreements, co-existence agreements, trademark assignments, and intellectual property licensing agreements.
Attorney Minott is also a published children’s book author. She counsels artists and authors on publishing, diversity and inclusion in children’s literature, and intellectual property protection for creative works.
George Washington University
National Law Center
Washington, DC (J.D., 2002)
Fundación Universitaria
San Pablo CEU
Madrid, Spain (2000)
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
(B.A., cum laude, 1998)